January 17, 2022 @ 3:58 pm - Full Wolf Moon

Why Wolves?
Wolves are the true symbol of the wild. They represent ultimate power as a top predator and true survivor of the ever disappearing wilderness. Wolves seem to evoke a sense of danger, adventure and aliveness when we consider why they may be important to us and why we are so intrigued by them.
Wolf myths and their history play a big part in our own human history of coexistence with nature and within our own relationships with family and within other pack systems, like the workplace or government systems.
One such myth says that Wolves and humans once shared a mutual respect for each others families and could live in harmony with each other so, we made a promise not to harm one another. We learned much from them until we (humans), broke our promise and threatened their existence by our disrespect of their lives. We have been careless, ruthless and deeply disrespectful to them who represent our true wild nature.
Wolves display loyalty, caring, nurturing, and respect for the hierarchy within the family pack system. They teach patience, respect, resilience and true leadership skills. You cannot be an Alpha wolf because you want to be one. You are either born and accepted as an Alpha or you have another place within the system that supports your unique abilities.
Be like Wolf.....It is wise to understand and embrace your strengths and weaknesses because they are both valuable in knowing who you are and how you best contribute to the world.
Full Wolf Moon Facts:
The Full Wolf Moon speaks to us of the deep winter, of survival, of preservation, pushing through fear and seeking protection.
"The very first full moon of the year is known in many cultures as the Full Wolf Moon, which is appropriate given the deep, ancient ties between wolves and January’s full moon. For instance, the Gaelic word for January, Faoilleach, comes from the term for wolves, faol-chù, even though wolves haven’t existed in Scotland for centuries. The Saxon word for January is Wulf-monath, or Wolf Month. Meanwhile, the festival of the Japanese wolf god, Ooguchi Magami, is held in January. The Seneca tribe links the wolf so strongly to the moon, they believe that a wolf gave birth to the moon by singing it into the sky. Just why are wolves so strongly associated with January's full moon?
The most obvious answer is because wolves are much louder and more noticeable in January, which is when breeding season begins. Wolves begin to howl more frequently and aggressively to establish their territory, threatening neighbors and enemies alike to stay far away from their breeding grounds. A small pack of wolves may even try to make themselves seem like a larger pack by howling together. While a lone wolf can sustain a howl for the duration of a single breath, an entire pack may howl in unison for longer than two minutes during breeding season.
While it makes sense for the haunting howls of wolves to be more memorable during January, how did wolves come to be associated with the full moon itself? Everyone is familiar with the iconic image of a wolf raising its head and howling at the full moon - but do wolves actually sing to the moon? While that might be a romantic idea, there’s no scientific evidence that links wolves to the lunar cycle. Humans may have begun to associate wolves with the moon simply because they are nocturnal animals that are very active at night. In addition, wolves do raise their heads in the direction of the sky so their howls can travel over far distances to reach their pack mates as they roam. Instead of singing to the moon, they’re actually singing to their friends.
Wolves are so well-known for their tight-knit communities that the Sioux tribe called January’s full moon the Moon Where Wolves Run Together. The wolf is often seen as a symbol of loyalty and protection in many cultures. The Wolf Moon is the perfect time for you to reach out to loved ones and reaffirm your connections, in preparation for deepening your bonds and taking on new challenges together over the upcoming year.
That said, lone wolves are also entirely capable of overcoming hostile conditions on their own with their resourcefulness. According to Celtic mythology, the wolf is infused with lunar power, which refers to its ability to sniff out hidden insights or knowledge, and to detect unexpected sources of danger. In some legends, the wolf even swallows the sun so the wolf can bask in the moon’s overflowing lunar power! The Full Wolf Moon is a great time for you to plan out clever ways to achieve your goals for the upcoming year. Trust your wolfish instincts when it comes to decisions, but also be tenacious in searching for useful knowledge that will help you realize your masterplan."
January Correspondences & Associations:
Animals - Owl, Bear, Coyote, Crow/Raven, Snow Goose
Stones - Garnet, Agate, Petrified wood, Salt
Planet - Saturn
Flower - Narcissus
Colors - Green, yellow
A full moon fire ceremony is for releasing or purging the things in our lives that no longer serve us such as:
Addictions or habits
relinquishing suffering in all relationships
discharge physical and emotional pains
let go of clutter and material items that take up space in your life
file away ideas or projects that are unfinished to clear the clutter in your mind to make room for the ones that are brilliant and have to be birthed!
Old beliefs and values